Picton Golf & Country Club

Established 1907

Women’s Intersectional Competition
What is it and how does it work?

The Women’s Intersectionals are district events that encourage women from many of the golf clubs in eastern Ontario to get together for a great game of golf and some friendly competition. These events are generally followed by a lovely reception offered by the host club. These events are great ways to meet new friends and play other golf clubs. Players must have valid handicaps.

The Women’s Intersectionals include two divisions:
Women – open to all women regardless of age or handicap.
Senior Women – open to all women 50 year of age or older, regardless of handicap.


Each Division is broken down into 4 flights with up to 4 different Clubs participating in each flight. The flights are arranged according to team placement in the previous year's competitions. (Winning teams move up a level, while last place teams move down a level.) Generally, this produces flights with similar team handicaps and skills. Flight #1 includes teams with players who have the lowest handicaps and Flight #4 includes teams with players who have the highest handicaps. This allows women to play with other women with like abilities. Competitions are held separately for each flight and hosted by different golf clubs.  


Teams are made up of 6 Players and 2 Alternatives, for a total of 8 members per team. Players are ranked by handicap - the No.1 player in the team has the lowest handicap of all team members. No.2 player the next lowest handicap, and so on with No.6 player and the alternates having the highest handicaps. 

The 2nd team in a division is comprised of players whose handicaps are higher than those on the 1st team.

Team selection is based on player handicaps and is finalized once registration is closed. Team order-of-go (highest to lowest handicap) is established and submitted to the event organizers no later than 2 days before the event.

Game Day Foursomes

Foursomes are made up with a player from each Club. The alternates play first, followed by the players in the #6 position with their team (those with the highest handicaps.) Then the next highest and so on, with the group in the #1 position (those with the lowest handicaps) teeing off last. This makes sure that everyone is as evenly matched as possible.

Game Format

Intersectionals are match play games. So each hole is counted on its own. Your final score is not taken into account at all.  Simply put, you keep track of how many holes you “win” compared to the other players in your foursome.  The lowest score for each hole “wins” but it doesn’t matter what that score is – it could be a par or a 10! (Note: because this is a flighted event, strokes are not "given/received" by individual players - as they sometimes are in other matches - so there is nothing to keep track of except your gross score on each hole!)

Example: If you score a 4 on hole #1 and Player 2 gets a 3, and Players 3 & 4 score 5 each, then you “win” that hole against Players 3 & 4, and Player 2 “wins” the hole against you and the other 2 Players. And so on throughout the round. 

Points are awarded accordingly at the end of the round. (Please note, points are not awarded to “alternates’ round”.) You earn 2 points for each match "won" against another player; 1 point for each match "halved" (tied) and 0 points for a loss.

At the end of the day, all points are added up for all players and the Club with the most points “wins” the event.  So, while yes, there will be winners, it is mostly a day to enjoy the game and the company of other women from other clubs. This is a remarkable fun day and everyone enjoys themselves!

Team Shirts

Our Club supports its Intersectional Teams and provide teams shirts for our players! Team shirts must be ordered several weeks in advance to allow for team embroidery. 


Not only are the Intersectional events a great experience and opportunity to meet and play with other women, they are a great way to play other golf courses at little or no cost. Our Club generously covers the $10 player fee along with team shirts. Green fees are covered by the host club, however players pay for power carts if they choose to ride.


2024 Intersectional Match Schedule

Women's Division Team #1: Sunday August 25 at The Landings in Kingston. (New Date)
We are in Flight#3. Tee times start at 12:30pm.
We play teams from The Landings, Oak Hills GC and Colonnade GC.

Women's Division Team #2: Sunday August 25 at Briar Fox in Marysville. (Date added)
We are in Flight #4. Tee times start at 12:30 pm.
We play teams from Briar Fox, 
Oak Hills and Inverary. 

Senior Women's Division Team #1: Saturday September 14 at at Picton Golf & Country Club. (New date)
We are in Flight #2. Tee times start at 12:30pm.

We play teams from Garrison GC, Oak Hills GC and Rideau Lakes GC

Senior Women's Division Team #2: Saturday September 14 at Briar Fox GC.
We are in Flight #4. Tee times start at 12:30pm
We play teams from Briar Fox GC Napanee GC, and Amherstview GC


If you are interested in being part of the 2024 Intersectional Teams, please let us know as soon as possible.
Sign up
ONLINE or sign up in the Women's Locker Room. Deadline is May 31st.