Picton Golf & Country Club

Established 1907

PGCC 2024 Rules & HCP News - Rules Clinic To Be Re-Scheduled

June 24, 2024
Picton Golf and Country Club


Picton Golf & Country Club
News from your
Rules & Handicap Committee

Monday June 24, 2024

Rules Clinic To Be Re-Scheduled

Due to today’s continued rain and the wet and very windy conditions, the Rules Clinic - originally scheduled for 10:30am this morning - has been cancelled. Due to the structure of the clinic, it is not feasible to hold it inside the Clubhouse.

The clinic, given by Golf Ontario Rules Judges and clinicians Barb Allan and Judy Pouliot, will be re-scheduled later on in the summer.

Please stay tuned for more information and updates on the new date.

Sorry any inconvenience, Mother Nature has not co-operated.


Your Rules and Handicap Committee

Picton Golf & Country Club. 734 County Rd #49, Box 6170, Picton, ON, K0K 2T0 Pro Shop: 613-476-2222 / The View Restaurant: 613-476-8383
